Friday, November 26, 2010

Mind Games For Competition

Here are a few quick little tips for ways to get inside your opponent's head before the match starts. I like to have some rituals, doing some sort of ritual relaxes me, the worst thing you can do or have happen is be overly nervous before or during a match. If you're super amped up for a match, you will have an adrenaline dump and wonder why you're so tired 30 seconds into the match. You need to learn how to relax. Devise a ritual that calms you, I like to breathe in through my nose and breathe out my mouth, long deep breaths. Have a set way you warm up for a match each and every time. Don't change up your ritual, do the same thing each time. In warming up, I do a little jog in place, but I have a particular rhythm it gets my blood going, gets my body warm, my muscles loose without making my heart race. It's really important to get a sweat going before a match starts. That way you are less likely to have an adrenaline dump due to your heart pumping and endorphins releasing from the warmup. Last off, you need to have a ritual when you step on the mat. When I finally take the mat, I like to walk around the whole competition area. I'll walk right past my opponent, the ref, everything. Just a normal pace claiming my territory. It gives you a sense of confidence that you own the mat and gives your opponent a sense of uneasiness as he/she can see your confidence.
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