Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Technique is Alive

So I've been asked a few times why I don't do what most every other bjj blog does and post videos demonstrating technique. The simple answer is that by the time I finish a video, edit it, write an explanation, and post it online, I'll be doing the technique differently than what I demonstrated. BJJ remains stagnant when people are too stubborn to allow techniques to evolve. I believe that techniques are like living organisms, forever changing. The more you develop your game and understand when to use a technique the more ways you see to perform the technique and refine how you do it. There are very few if any techniques at all that I do the same way now as I did a year ago. If you are not doing things differently, then you are not evolving. If you hold onto every word that an instructor says and believe it to be written in stone, you inhibit your growth. So many schools that I have visited I have heard an instructor say "you must never do " when there are times when you can. I always tell my students about what works for me, I never try to use absolute words like "always" and "never" because there can be times that disprove the "always" or "never". Realize that your techniques are alive, the more attention you give to them the more you will cultivate them, refine them, and change them to make them more efficient. I'm not saying that a move will look different when you perform it, to somebody watching it might look like you didn't do anything differently, when in actuality, you found a new place to push off of, or a different angle of attack, something very subtle that makes vast improvements in the execution. Keep an open mind.

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed this in your teachings and it helps to remind me that bjj is very fluid


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